根据上一轮的 Quest 的最后邮件提示,我们可以知道第二轮举行时间为 2020-03-11 19:00:00
Reverse the string
print(".spleh A+lrtC/dmC .thgis fo tuo si ti semitemos ,etihw si txet nehw sa drah kooL .tseretni wohs dluohs uoy ecalp a si ,dessecorp si xat hctuD erehw esac ehT .sedih tseuq fo txen eht erehw si ,deificeps era segaugnal cificeps-niamod tcudorp ehT"[::-1])
The product domain-specific languages are specified, is where the next of quest hides. The case where Dutch tax is processed, is a place you should show interest. Look hard as when text is white, sometimes it is out of sight. Cmd/Ctrl+A helps.
Hidden Words
看起来是进入 https://www.jetbrains.com/mps/ 这个页面了
提到了 Dutch Tax,我们到相关公司机构的最佳实践页面寻找线索,果然在 PDF 界面发现了隐藏的文字
This is our 20th year as a company,
we have shared numbers in our JetBrains
Annual report, sharing the section with
18,650 numbers will progress your quest.
实际上这个页面有点难找,我是根据搜索结果,然后推断出今年的 URL
Sharing the section
根据上面数字提示 18,650 我在页面搜索了 18K、18650 等等,都没找到结果,最后发现有个 18000,其实图中数字加起来是 18650
点击上方的 sharing 按钮就可以得到下一个提示了
I have found the JetBrains Quest!
Sometimes you just need to look closely at the Haskell language, Hello,World!
in the hackathon lego brainstorms project https://blog.jetbrains.com/blog/2019/11/22/jetbrains-7th-annual-hackathon/
#JetBrainsQuest https://www.jetbrains.com/company/annualreport/2019/ 来自 @JetBrains
Hello, World with Haskell
d1D j00 kN0w J378r41n2 12 4lW4Y2 H1R1N9? ch3CK 0u7 73h K4r33r2 P493 4nD 533 1f 7H3r3 12 4 J08 F0r J00 0R 4 KW357 cH4LL3n93 70 90 fUr7h3r @ l3457.
Did you know Jetbrains is always hiring? Check out the careers page and see if there is a job for you or for newest challenge to go further at least.
Find the job
找到 Hiring 的界面,然后去 Jobs 的页面寻找,发现有一个 Fearless Quester
To progress with your quest what you’ll need:
- To check out what we have for game developers.
- Be geeky enough to remember how you used to cheat at Konami games.
- Try cheating on the page.
Konami Cheating Code
这一步其实挺难的,你得知道有这么一个地方,然后输入秘籍,经典的 上上下下左右左右 BABA
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